Obligatory hero shot on summit
Evan on top
Sunrise at 6:00 AM
Left the hut around 2:15 AM. This photo is a 4:30 AM in the labrinth
Left the hut around 2:15 AM. This photo is a 4:30 AM in the labrinth
When I climber here 19 years ago, the ice extended all the way down to where Joe and I are currently standing. The normal route use to go straight up from here, now it goes way off to the right (outside of picture, but where the sun is less direct and the ice still descends to almost the elevation we are currently at)
The labrinth requires a 2-3 hours hiking in the dark on summit day. Several people we met got lost in it and spent many hours wandering around the maze before aborting their climb. It is common practice to hike it in the day light first to figure out the route (and for acclimatization)
J McMaster
Floor of concrete, walls of stone, three levels of bunks. This hut sleeps 60 people.
(Evan brings vodka to camp)
Reyes (Servimont) provides logistical support for climbers heading to Orizaba. This is the sleeping facility, in a converted soap factory in Tlachichuca.
Entering the village of Tlachichuca
From left to right: Joe McMaster, Ken Wiens, Evan Jones