No kegs, only 1 musician (sort of), but most of us got out of the hut on Saturday!
Is that Jesus wearing fleece and drinking coffee?
Sorta Sober Part Of The Evening
Thanks to everyone for a great weekend!
climbing has gone to the dogs!
Fires in the Bow Valley
Nice night with big fire, thanks Eric!
Calgary Sun cartoon re Andrew Brash. The article was passed through numerous grubby paws in the bar before being stuffed into Dornians back pocket. From there it made its way through Canada Post to arrive under my doormat with a request for scanning. Here is what's left of it
Getting a fire started in 8" of snow? Not a problem, just call Howie!
Safeway bags as socks, now that's Hot!
Morning View
OK, this is officially a shit show - but at least it is hilarious!
The worst is over now!
Howie haulin' ass across the lake